AMFA   Kool-Aid

Why the IAM is the Right Choice for Alaska Airlines Mechanics

Your Future, Your Work, Your Voice – Protect it with the IAM.

More Support for YOUR WORK

At Hawaiian Airlines, the IAM averages 13 mechanics per aircraft, compared to AMFA’s 3.6 mechanics at Alaska Airlines. More mechanics means more support, better coverage, safer working conditions, stronger solidarity, and strength in numbers.

Seniority Protection you can TRUST

Mergers are complicated, especially seniority. When you join the IAM, your seniority is always dovetailed, ensuring fair treatment and respect for your experience. AMFA has no clear policy on seniority, and mergers can result in new members being pushed to the bottom of the list.

Commitment to Keeping work IN-HOUSE

AMFA promised to keep work in-house, then authorized offshoring critical work to a third-party maintenance company in El Salvador. The IAM keeps the majority of your work in-house, ensuring job security for our members and the highest quality maintenance for its carriers.

Don’t Gamble with Your Future. Choose the IAM.

A Union You Can Trust